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How the People You Hang Out with Affect Personal Success

Ever heard or read that “Your network is your net worth?” How do you feel about this saying about the power of association? Do you consider it true?

Even though you won’t admit it, most of the people you’ve hung out with have a significant influence on your personal success. Your closest friends, family members and partners all set the course of your life.

That’s why you must be cautious about whom you allow into your inner circle.

You're the Average of the Five People You Spend the Most Time With

Jim Rohn said it best. It doesn’t matter where you are born. Which family you came from. How smart you are, or which skills you have.

People surrounding you have a huge influence on your beliefs, determination, inspiration, and ultimately how successful you will be.

If you spend most of your spare time with someone who swears a lot, you’ll inevitably start behaving like that person after some time and lose your identity along the way. Your identity is the most important part of you.

Now take time to think about the five people you spend the most time with.

Do these people encourage you to be a better person? Would you be happy and proud to be like them?

If your answer is a big NO to both questions, then maybe it’s time to make some changes to your circle of closest friends.

Surround Yourself with People with a Positive Influence on Your Life

You’re probably wondering whom you should surround yourself with.

It’s a fact of life that energy is contagious, positive, and negative alike.

Toxic people can shatter your dreams.

People who believe in you and encourage you to be a better version of yourself can help you pursue your dreams.

If you hang out with positive people, you will be optimistic too. Want to be happy? Surround yourself with happy people. Want to become more confident? Surround yourself with confident people.

If it’s business, hang out with business owners who have been there and done that – those who have reached where you want to be.

Building Your Squad

There’s room for improvement on your list of the top 5 people you spend most of your time with.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Analyse your crew. Who are these five people you hang around with most? Look at it this way. A day has 24 hours. How many of those hours do you spend with which people? It can be your spouse, co-workers, close friends or family members. Jot them down.
  • Filter out negativity. How ambitious are these people? What do they do with their lives? Are they supportive of your progress? Will they help you to get to the next level you want to get?

Dedicate time to meaningful relationships. From your list, decide whom you want to continue spending time with. It’s okay if you end up with one or two people. Cut the amount of time you spend with people who don’t meet the standard of excellence you intend to set for yourself and spend more time looking for people you want to have as one of your five closest people.


Your inner circle significantly influences personal success. So, be very wary of whom you let in. 

Life is meant to keep moving forward. Take time to think about the value that some of your relationships bring to you. Don’t be afraid to lose some friends or support from your family along the way.

Instead of turning out to be the average of some average folks, dip with the best.

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